Replica Tissot PRC200 Watches it will be only
With Christmas fast approaching Sekonda Replica Tissot PRC200 Watches are flying off the shelves. Seksy by Sekonda the iconic fashion watch range are proving extremely popular again. Part of the popularity of Sekonda watches is down to their innovative advertising strategy. They are one of the only brands that have successfully utilised the ident strategy. An ident is a short advert immediately before and after a program, normally this is for a station or channel, but Sekonda have utilised the practice to create short memorable adverts explicitly connected with the show that they surround. Last year Sekonda placed advertising idents for their Hidden Hearts watch throughout the broadcast of ‘An Audience With Take That. A large picture of the watch, was accompanied by a phone number that you could text to get the location of your nearest Sekonda dealer. They received 1500 texts during this program alone, the largest number ever recorded for this type of advertising. The retailers that I have spoken to have said it is one of the few times where advertising has resulted in customers coming into a store and requesting a particular watch. The success of the strategy meant that this year Sekonda have gone all out. They have been sponsoring a variety of programs to advertise their key lines. The first show to be broadcast was called ‘John Sergeant on the Tourist Trail. Replica Tissot PRC200 Watches was sponsored by the Sekonda Twilight Pearl ladies watch. The Twilight Pearl watch will also sponsor upcoming show ‘I Dreamed a Dream – The Susan Boyle Show. This show is due to be broadcast on Sunday 13th December after the conclusion of X Factor. It will feature singing and chat with Susan Boyle the star of ‘Britain Got Talent. Seksy by Sekonda are also sponsoring another landmark show featuring Cheryl Cole. ‘A Night In With Cheryl Cole is going to be broadcast on the Saturday 12th of December after the first part of the X Factor final. This is the first time Cheryl will host her own show and many of her fans hope that it will be only the beginning of her career as a presenter. This show will be sponsored by a stunning contemporary ladies watch the Seksy Electra. There is currently a new series being aired called ‘Wild Swimming with Robson Green this show features Robson as he travels around the U.K. looking for beautiful outdoor spots to go swimming Replica Tissot PRC200 Watches.